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GreyAlien sent a message with the title:
I'm working on a new version of web site. and received
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19/September/2003 15:52:07
I'm working on a new version of this web site, more unbreakable, more simple to manage for me, and multilanguage, when i'll finish, i'll start also to work again on this web site to finish all sections.
The new site will be multilanguage, so it will be possible to create more version of giganta.org, i want say now there is only English and Italian version, when i'll finish with this rebuild, it will be possible to translate texts and create a German, French, Spanish, Japaneese, Indian, Portouguese and more versions of this web site.
I'll place the text free to be downloaded, if there will be people who will download the text and translate them, there will be more version of this site.
Every language si welcome also dialects :-)