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Morumo in Italian? and received
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30/March/2005 20:47:00
I am a big fan of the Japanese GTS comic "Morumo 1/10"
See my webpage: http://www.geocities.com/morumos/
I would like to translate this comic to English. But so far it has been hard to do Japanese-English (only one chapter).
Can anyone tell me.. was "Morumo" ever published in Italian?
If so, if anyone here could translate it into English, I would be happy to do all the layout/art work. I just can't translate it! :()
I don't know what language "Morumo" was released in (other than Japanese and Chinese), but I know many manga is released in Italy or France.
If you can help, please EMAIL me at: planman41 "at" yahoo "dot" com.
Thank you!